Counseling Services
Anger and Rage
Anger can get the better of any of us under certain conditions. But for some people, anger becomes a way of life – eventually, all paths lead to anger. This leaves other people mistrustful and weary, so the person struggling with anger is further distanced from the help and support they most need. It is a self defeating cycle that leaves broken relationships in its wake.
Despite all appearances, rage almost always hides feelings of powerlessness. Rage is the outworking of a belief that a person must aggressively protect oneself at all cost, even when there is no real and current threat to defend against. Pervasive anger is about persistent powerlessness; and powerless almost always goes hand-in-hand with deep-seated feelings of inferiority or worthlessness. After time, this anger can takes on a life of its own, and the anger simply becomes a way of controlling others for one’s own selfish gain… but it doesn’t have to end that way.
Wherever you or a loved one may be in this process, there is hope for a transformed life free of the corrosive effects of anger. God is capable of redeeming hardened habits of the heart to bring about surrender, so that the damaging experience of powerlessness can be transformed into a courageous posture of faith.
Recommended Reading
The Anger Workbook by Les Carter & Frank Minrith
How to Deal with Anger by Larry Crabb
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