The Inner Voice of Love was written by Henri Nouwen. Nouwen (1932-1996) was a renowned speaker regarding social and spiritual issues around the world and teacher in the most prestigious universities. In the late 80’s Nouwen fell into a deep depression that he could only describe as a daily agony. During this time, he gave the world the gift of his daily thoughts through a journal. In it he wrote brief, spiritual maxims as a way of keeping his bearings and leaving a trail for himself through his long ordeal with hopelessness. Shortly before Nouwen died, his diary was published under the title, The Inner Voice of Love: A Journey Through Anguish to Freedom.

This memoir leads you one short step, one small precept, one brief day at a time. In it you’ll find windows into a spirituality of the heart that speak deeply and frankly about acknowledging your powerlessness and owning your pain. At the same time, it speaks encouragingly of the hope found in living where God is and knowing yourself as truly loved.