Counseling Services
Spiritual Issues
The idea of spirituality usually conjures up images of peace and serenity, of a life lived above the fray of mundane troubles and daily strife. As attractive as that picture is, and though it contains a kernel of truth, a more Biblical notion of spirituality takes moves in a different direction. A thoroughly Christian spirituality finds its contour and texture in the life of Christ. From there we can not help but be faced with a God who stepped into the fray of mundane struggles… and worse. And we can not begin to imagine spirituality apart from incarnation, without a God fully present to us in all of our brokenness and rebellion. Nor, if we continue down this path, can we escape the God who then invites us into a vision of life that imitates His own, as we see it in Jesus.
Grace Clinic wants to help you envision life differently, where you are free to honestly look at the places of your life where you have fled from God’s presence and control, and then be given the chance to return to a life of faith and godliness. At Grace Clinic you will be given the opportunity to do so under the care and guidance of a fellow journeyer. Give Grace Clinic a call and we would be glad to talk to you about your particular concerns.
Recommended Reading
The Sacred Romance by Brent Curtis & John Eldridge
The Healing Presence by Leanne Payne
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
Simply Christian by N.T. Wright
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