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Offering Hope and Healing through Redemptive Relationship

Counseling Services

Sex and Sexuality

Few things are as unambiguously personal as sexuality, and so it is no coincidence that few things have been so misused and exploited as sexuality. God has, nevertheless, created sexuality with the intention that it be allowed to flourish within the boundaries of a loving and life-committed marriage, whatever your past hurt.

For all the ways in which sexuality is alluded to or depicted in popular culture, it’s not often that we have personal conversations in which we get to genuinely explore our real feelings or experiences about sex and sexuality. Conversations about sex and sexuality, if they are had at all, are usually done either flippantly, as if sex was “no big deal,” or they are had with such reticence and discretion that we never can get real with ourselves and others. We need conversations where we are allowed to discuss sex and sexuality freely and openly, without fear of embarrassment or judgment. And yet, also where sex can also be spoken about with sensitively and vulnerably, carrying all the personal and emotional weight it inevitably does in our lives.

When sexuality carries with it memories or emotions of trauma or guilt and shame, these conversations, already pregnant with vulnerability, carry an even heavier freight of emotion – one that often requires outside help to be gotten through. If you or your spouse’s sexual history has left you in a difficult place, Grace Clinic would love to be able to help you navigate these waters, so that sex and sexuality can be the free and joyous expression of love God has meant it to be.

"If ever there was a human encounter in which more happens than meets the eye, it's sex. "
- Paula Rinehart

Recommended Reading

A Celebration of Sex for Newlyweds by Douglas E. Rosenau

A Celebration of Sex: A Guide to Enjoying God's Gift of Sexual Intimacy by Douglas E. Rosenau

The Way to Love Your Wife: Creating Greater Love & Passion in the Bedroom by Clifford L. Penner and Joyce J. Penner

Sex and the Soul of a Woman by Paula Rinehart

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