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Offering Hope and Healing through Redemptive Relationship

Counseling Services


An extra-marital affair can easily end a marriage, but there can be hope for a future, not simply without divorce, but one with a new rhythm after the hard work of recovery.

There are few things as devastating as an extra-marital affair. All of your assumptions and securities are over-turned in a moment. The aftermath of guilt and shame for the one person, and betrayal and anger for the other, make rebuilding trust and intimacy a long, hard road. Still, restoration is possible if both parties are willing to commit to a process of honestly taking account of what has become of the marriage.

Infidelity is usually a destructive response to a real problem that previously existed within the marriage. This makes for a two-part process of recovery, both from the infidelity itself, as well as looking at what precipitated the affair. While there is never justification for an extra-martial affair, there are virtually always roots of discontentment within the marriage that need to be uncovered and dealt with.

If trust and love is to be re-established, both people will have to arrive at the center of what the affair meant to them. As each person learns to face and deal with their real emotions about the affair, and do so in relationship with their spouse, healing can happen. In fact, each spouse in facing the depth of his or her heart can facilitate the recovery and healing process for their spouse. Let Grace Clinic help you though the tumultuous waters of infidelity to the recovery of a trusting, loving marriage.

"Extramarital affairs run rampant within society and, unfortunately, within the church. Despite moral convictions and high ideals, many people find themselves giving in to the temptation of an extramarital affair – despite the devastating effects on the marriage and family."
- Dave Carter

Recommended Reading

Torn Asunder by David Carter

Not "Just Friends": Rebuilding Trust and Recovering Your Sanity after Infidelity by Shirley Glass

Unfaithful: Rebuilding Trust after Infidelity by Gary & Mona Shriver

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