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Offering Hope and Healing through Redemptive Relationship

Counseling Services

Career Issues

Satisfaction in a career is measured by more than good pay and benefits, it is a reflection of our heart’s connection to God’s deepest purposes for our lives.

The term "calling" is often reserved for pastors or people in full-time ministry. "Normal" people have jobs, not callings. But, the truth is, God has a calling for everyone. And understanding your calling is about discovering how God has already begun authoring your life-story. Rest assured, whatever your story, it’s one that entails a destiny. Your calling will emerge in the matrix of your story, your character, and the world God has placed you in. We at Grace Clinic believe that the Bible says God has created every person in order to bring about new and unexpected possibilities in our world.

Whether pastor or plumber, missionary or mechanic, the call of God reaches to men and women who offer their hearts and hands to Him: we have the opportunity to shape the world with our passions. Too many men and women settle for dissatisfaction in their careers when the possibility exists for enjoyment and fulfillment that stems from an understanding of our heart's truest longing. Let Grace Clinic help you discover what calling God has already begin shaping your life towards.

"Everyone has a story. Put another way, everyone’s life is a story. But most people don’t know how to read their life in a way that reveals their story. They miss the deeper meaning in their life, and they have little sense of how God has written their story to reveal himself and his own story."
- Dan Allender

Recommended Reading

The Call by Os Buiness

Do What You Are by Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger

To Be Told by Dan Allendar

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